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Merge Requests

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our open source project! We welcome all contributions from the community.

Steps to submit your contribution

  1. Fork the NetIP repository & clone it.

  2. Create a new branch for your changes.

  3. Add your changes to the codebase. Make sure your code is formatted correctly.

  4. Once you're satisfied with your changes, commit & push them on the new branch.

  5. Submit a Merge Request of your branch to the develop branch of the NetIP repository. Make sure you fill out all the necessary information.

  6. The Merge Request get reviewed by the maintainer (this can take a while, please be patient)

  7. Either:

    • If the Merge Request is approved, your code is merged to the develop branch and will be in the next NetIP version! 🎉
    • Otherwise, we will give you feedback on how to improve your Merge Request in order to approve it.

Please note that the maintainers have the right to reject a Merge Request that doesn't meet the project's standards, guidelines or requirements. In such case, we will provide feedback on why it was rejected.

NetIP Forum

If you have any questions or encounter any issues while submitting your merge request, don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance on the NetIP Forum Contributors Category.